Saturday, November 08, 2008

Location of fifth meeting of the Breakfast Club.

Charter members of the Breakfast Club (est. 09/13/08) -- President/Secretary, Historian, and Treasurer. Guess who has the most fun job?

Field trip (after eating breakfast) to Freshia, a Korean supermarket selling cabbage for only 99 cents for twenty pounds - Kimchi everywhere!

The female members of the Breakfast Club are scouting out new locations for future meals.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Every year, next to our medical center, they hold a "health fair". This is where Karen and I get our flu shots -- best of all, it's FREE!

You had to fill out a bunch of paperwork before they let you in.

At this station, they measured your blood cholesterol and glucose levels. I won't tell you what mine is...