While we were celebrating Chinese New Year with Karen's side of the family, Mich noticed something odd outside our window. It was a swarm of bees! Within an hour or so, it accumulated into a large clump.

That entire triangular shape is a single mass of bees! It is about twice the size of a football. We're guessing around 2000+ bees!

Here comes the exterminator.

He sprayed tons of insecticide on it. He sprayed it from all sides. From the front...

from the backside...

and even sprayed it up close.

Can you find the bee on the back of his protective head gear?

After the spraying, it took about 45 minutes before the bees were reduced to just a few still flying around.

After the thrill and excitement of the bees, it turns out that throwing enough money around will solve any problem. But, in the end, it turned out to be great entertainment.

Went to our local deli for brunch.

Started with a good cup of "joe".

I ordered the pastrami sandwich and potato salad.

Karen ordered the "BLT".

For Chinese New Year, we celebrated by eating at Steven's Steakhouse in City of Commerce. Not exactly "Chinese" but it sure is good. Michelle's friend Lauren joined us for the celebration.

My Mom, Jeannie, and my niece Lisa.

Group picture outside the restaurant. I was the only guy in the bunch today -- lucky me!

Lauren offered to take a shot of just the family.

Karen and I went to John's for breakfast. Karen had the ham and eggs.

I had the breakfast burrito -- scrambled egg, hash browns, salsa, and cheese.

All topped off with a cup of coffee.

Rode along with Jen to her workplace at Princeton Review to pick up some material -- afterwhich, we had lunch at CPK. Challenge -- can you find Jen in this picture?

Mich and Jen at Auntie Lisa's house. She took us out to Peking Restaurant for dumplings
for my birthday.