Today (07/07/07) is our 28th anniversary! To start the day, Karen and I went out for breakfast.

Sitting around before going in...

Going in to the restaurant...

Karen studying the menu to make that all important choice -- what to eat?

Since we got all "glammed up" (as Karen puts it) to go out for dinner, we decided to take some pictures at home.


For dinner, to celebrate our anniversary, we went here for dinner!

The "girls" are waiting patiently for our table.

Here we are at our table deciding the particulars about our meal.

The waitress literally creates your salad by "spinning" it by your table.

Karen enjoying her salad.

A "carver" (with a large medallion around his neck) comes to your table and carves out a slab of beef to order!

Here's our meal -- Prime rib (of course), asparagus with hollandaise sauce, and baked potato. We also had coffee with dessert after.

For the "Fourth of July" we decided to have a barbeque and invited family over to join us.

Okay, okay ... time to eat!!

The party picked up when Kayla arrived!

Oh course, we were happy to see the new Mom (Lisa) too!

Jen likes to hold baby Kayla.

Jen and Mich showing off the baby.

Saturday we attended a memorial in honor of Karen's Aunt Mercy.

The hostess was Aunt Mercy's daughter Sylvia. I know it's a bad picture but it was the best one I had -- doesn't do her justice.

The collage of pictures was a big hit.

Aunt Mercy's brother is my father-in-law (Joe).