Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Prior to graduation ceremony for the College of Letters and Science, there was a special ceremony for "honors" students at Royce Hall Posted by Picasa

Inside Royce Hall Posted by Picasa

Royce Hall stage Posted by Picasa

All these people were inside Royce Hall Posted by Picasa

Outside Royce Hall -- after the Honors Ceremony Posted by Picasa

Mich is so happy for Jen Posted by Picasa

2006 graduation ceremony for the College of Letters and Science Posted by Picasa

Empty Posted by Picasa

Entering Posted by Picasa

The graduates of the College of Letters and Science Posted by Picasa

Exiting Posted by Picasa

Outside Pauley Posted by Picasa

Leaving Pauley Pavillion and UCLA. Posted by Picasa

After the College of Letters and Science graduation ceremony we met at the Proud Bird for dinner. Posted by Picasa

After dinner. Posted by Picasa

The roommies Posted by Picasa

After our dinner at the Proud Bird there was another photo-op. Posted by Picasa

Jen and her good friend Grace. Posted by Picasa

The halls inside the chemistry building. Posted by Picasa

Notice all the cords on Jen. Posted by Picasa

Grandma with her grand-daughters. Posted by Picasa

Sisters Posted by Picasa

  Posted by Picasa

The girls with Uncle Gary. Posted by Picasa

Mich and Jen doing a jig. Posted by Picasa