Decided to try something new -- ate breakfast in Seal Beach.

Karen deciding what to get...

Scenes around the Seal Beach Pier.

Children playing by the surf.

Lifeguards doing their thing.

My Mom wanted to see the newest addition to the family but we stopped off at a Hawaiian fast food restaurant to feed our faces first.

The other side of the table.

My neice (Lisa) and her new baby (Kayla).

Mich holding the baby.

Jen holding the baby.

They really out did themselves decorating the nursery.

A few pics of Stoli... isn't he the cutest thing ever!

We celebrated Father's Day (Karen's Dad) at Lisa's house -- Sam Woo take-out food -- yum!

BOTH girls were able to make it the celebration.

A close-up of Sandy.

The "girls" petting Sandy.