Karen and I spent a day at the Getty Museum in Malibu. This museum houses his antiquities collection. The entire museum is designed to look like a Roman villa.

Here's some art work found in the museum. This one is Getty's favorite...

scary looking devil-guy...

this one looks like modern art...

doesn't he look life-like?

the details in the hair is incredible...

the artists, back then, seem to have over emphasized the eye whites...

Last one.

Karen and I went on a short trip to Vegas. We stayed here for two nights.

This sign "welcomed" us to Vegas in many different languages!

We went to see this show at PH. Since we got Karen to pose, let's see who else she will pose with...

Karen by a funny-looking "egg-man"...

Karen by a gnome...

Karen standing by a Buddha...

Karen dancing with Elvis...

Karen by a clay soldier..

and, finally, here's Karen shaking hands with the soldier.

Here's proof that Karen didn't go to Vegas by herself -- I was there too! Here I am enjoying dessert at Planet Hollywood's buffet. It was very good. We recommend it. It has separate stations for different cuisines (seafood, Italian, soup, salad, Mexican, Chinese, American, Mid-Eastern, etc.)